Bruce Mills

See me if you are buying or selling Real Estate or 4 FIRE Help

  • 511 posts
  • $0.64/month

If you are looking for a Real Estate Agent to buy or sell Real Estate anywhere in the United States, please drop me a note so I could help you find someone to help you out. I’m so excited to use this Platform to connect with you on a deeper level. This place is for those of you who want to help Support what I’m doing in ways that allow me to continue to help you reach your goals.  I’m Bruce Mills, I am married and have four kids. Two live in Arizona with us and two live in the Midwest. I enjoy helping people find ways they can help themselves reach their goals, retire early, get debt free, lose weight, have better relationships, be happier and more. I’ve also written five books with another in the works. I am straight forward and direct. I don’t like to beat around the bush in my coaching style. Ideas to help people with ideas on how to get Financial Freedom, Debt Free, Retire Early and Have Choices in Life. Also, ideas for couples living together, getting married or married. Helping parents survive raising kids to planning for kids. What your secret to Success is in finding Financial Freedom, getting Debt Free, Marriage, Kids and Money? Money is such a sensitive topic in a lot of relationships and a major cause of divorce so we will talk about money. Debt Freedom and Financial Freedom is our goal so we have choices in life. We can work less or not at all. We cover Mills Family Money Rules. If you aren’t familiar with Patreon the concept is that you support a creator financially for the valuable content they create for you. In my case I do blogs and videos to help people reach their goals. You can start with as low as a $1 a month or more. For as low as $1 per month or more you will see also our Exclusive content, Personal Expenses, Income, Goals and more each month. You will be able to be a part of our Advisory board and let us know topics you would like to know more about. If you have any questions or want to be a guest on our Podcast just DM us. Thank you for your support! It really does mean a lot to me and my family. We really appreciate it. Have a great day and keep following your Dreams. Bruce Mills


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